Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Drive…

We made our way out here just about as quickly as we could, sleeping at rest stops and Wal-marts. Initially we had talked about taking our time and not doing any marathon drives, but as the day approached we both realized that we were far too excited for that. For the sake of our Jeep, we did the majority of the driving (or tried to) at night and in the early morning. One of our best ideas so far (if I do say so) at this point as to take out part of the back seat so that we had a little more room to lay down in the back. This way we were able to take turns driving and sleeping. In this manner we crossed the country at an average speed of about 45 mph. Our claim to fame? …we did this all with an old Jeep, an older camper, and still passed exactly one car (yes, singular) in 1700 miles.

Once we reached Amarillo, Texas, we had to get out and take a few minutes to look around. After traveling through Oklahoma and Kansas we were seeing the first variations in the landscape (mild hills) since southern Minnesota.

The Drive

TX Reststop ... variations in landscape!

First glimpse of mountains