Friday, September 11, 2009


With Ash’s patient repetition of plant names and descriptions, we are also now beginning to recognize plants by their proper names! Here is a selection of some of the plants we worked with. Not all the pictures are here, but we'll try to get most of them!

Hoary Tansy Aster (transplanted first, purple flower, collected white spores)

Camphor Weed (transplanted second, yellow flowers in flats)

Pinyon Pine (pine cones)

Gambel Oak (acorns)

Globe Mallow (pretty peach-ish flower, rare)

Brickle Bush (baggie we left behind, real scraggly one)

Jameson's Buckwheat (clumps of yellow/red flower)

Snow Berry (aqua blue/green plants)

Agave (century plant, sends up stalk w/seeds every 20-40 years and dies)

Yucca (similar looking w/threads on spines, doesn’t shoot up stalk)

Prickly Pear Cactus (circular, with purple fruit)

Jumping Cholla (finger looking, dangerous, mean!)

Rocky Mountain Junipers (trees Jake likes with purple berries)

Crypto Crust

Mistletoe (parasite on Juniper trees)