After spending a couple weeks in the nursery, we are becoming more self sufficient in terms of assigning tasks. Although Ash is very patient with us, I’m sure he’s thankful for this. We also began working with Lynette, another volunteer who is here from Albuquerque for a couple weeks much the same way we are. She’s been a wonderful companion in the greenhouse and the field, and has some inspiring travel stories! The four of us ventured out into the field again, but this time we were after more elusive and exciting prey… pine cones and acorns. This may seem mundane, but the real winners had to be picked from high in the tree. This made the whole ordeal fun and challenging. Here’s the proof…

We saw this sign in Phantom Ranch at the bottom of the canyon. The Re-Veg group has been hard at work everywhere!

One of our maintenance projects was to build some frames to hold up the tipsy pots. Seems that desert plants have deep roots, most of the pots we worked with were very tall and skinny.

Collecting acorns from Gambel Oak trees. Hard hats required.

Quality Pinyon Pine cones were hard to come by, squirrels had ransacked most of them. Why couldn't they be more sensitive to the needs of the Re-Veg group?

Dirt stirring - we are now experts.